Thursday, 4 December 2014

Evaluation - Fashion project

Usually, at first my thoughts on receiving the second assignment brief was quite interesting because I wanted to see where I’m developing from my first assignment. I collected some information from different artistic views and which I tried to explain in my own words. Some of the researches I took for e.g. Man Ray's Photography were monochrome colours, nearly every single image that he has produced are more focused on filter paper than any other.

At my fashion photography class, I found it quite difficult until I found out 3 minutes after my teacher explain to me what to do, the work I was given was to use the method on how to develop a film by using a agitator, the funnel top, the film reel and the developing tank and other various objects during the fashion class, also I tend to use a lot of work time.

I found that seeking and handling the information was quite difficult because when I needed to find the specific information for each one especially Gordon Parks, his work that he has done has mostly produced mono Photography, it took me quite a long time in the to gain more of the information I needed. I think that the elements of my research that inspired my designs were the line, shape and form in terms of photography that I done.

What I found difficult on my work is how I tried to put the cap, the agitation rod, the funnel top, the film reel and the developing tank in place with the following steps in terms of when I was loading the film inside a black bag which I couldn't see inside of.

In my opinion, my first thoughts on receiving this assignment, was complicated because I thought because I didn’t do as well as I thought on my first assignment but now I feel like I can do quite better on the second assignment that I just finished.

Each of my Individual work on this assignment especially in the lesson on the magazine cover when we had to design a stencil drawing on art deco and on art nouveau. In my opinion, this task has been unsuccessful.

 To be honest, before I didn't think my designs would be high quality, but then at the end, I was more than satisfied with some of my designs which I put more quality into. On the other hand, I do feel that I could have improve some of my work to a high standard like improving every single mistake that I have committed on the assignment on street fashion project, that way I would have earned more marks on my second assignment, instead I could be getting a grade that I'm really not expected to get from my teachers.  

Before we started our I was finding it difficult to pick my designs because some of them were simply not good enough, then I had to create better new magazine cover designs for my final piece. I planned out each of my designs and I picked out the best design on Photoshop. The techniques, process and materials I use to edit my scanned filter and create different colours using Hue and Saturation.

If I had Extra time, the changes that I would make would be to spend a lot on each task in my book at a time by producing quality not quantity. I just completed my work on time. to me, I think I rushed one of the sides which was the last side I did before finishing my second assignment.

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